The Beauty and Joy of Growing Old – Together

Senior couple together

People who think love is just for the young aren’t paying attention. Seniors are often happier in their romantic relationships than people a generation or two younger. That’s especially true if long-time partners anticipate a 40th, 50th, or even 60th celebration of their time together. There is an edge among older adults who’ve journeyed together through the years. Research suggests that long-time married couples are healthier, more prosperous, happier, longer-lived, and even have better sex than those who are going it solo or are in new relationships. It’s true that the nature of romantic attraction changes, but the beauty and joy of growing old together is real.

Mature love remembers the past and looks to the future, but it shines in the way it lives and loves in the present.                        

Being Together In This Moment

Some people believe the stereotype that older couples just sit on their porch rockers and dream of what used to be. Nothing could be further from the truth. They’re often busy doing things they never had time for when they worked, making a living, and raising a family.

You’re never too old to discover new things about this world and each other. Even those not prosperous enough to tour the world can spend their time driving around their state or the one next door. Visiting a small town festival or checking out the nearby tourist attractions that they never got around to is now possible. You don’t need a schedule or agenda when you’re spending time with the one you’ve loved for so long. 

There’s magic in spontaneously deciding to stop at an interesting cafe or a winery. A couple may discuss what they did yesterday or what they might do tomorrow, but what matters most is being together in this moment.

Activities they enjoy become even richer: dancing together, engaging in sports, playing card games, taking a walk in the woods, stopping at a scenic overlook, or watching birds build a nest. There’s even delight at doing things young folks poke fun at, such as going to restaurants for the early bird special or clipping coupons for a few bucks off at the drugstore.

Senior couple under the sheets

There Is Gratitude In Growing Old Together

People might think it unexciting to live with the same person for a lifetime, but here’s the thing: that partner isn’t the same person! Couples in healthy relationships are constantly evolving, and there’s always a new facet to see in each other. It’s beautiful to have loved a person through all the experiences of youth and middle age and to appreciate and love them still.

Older partners have a healthy perspective. If they have a spat, they recognize that every relationship has ups and downs, but hard feelings don’t have to last. They’re less likely to worry about little things and quicker to let go of what’s unimportant.

Those who’ve made it that far in their marriage appreciate what they have. They know couples who made each other miserable, who split up, or who lost a partner to death.

It’s wonderful to come down for coffee in the morning and look across the table at someone who is on your side and loves you back. Your spouse, wrinkles and all is still attractive. They still have that special something that made you fall in love long ago.

It All Starts With A Commitment To Love

When your partnership is lengthy, you’ve been through all the stages of love. You’ve experienced what it was like when you “fell,” when love was just something that happened to you. Somewhere along the way, that feeling transformed into a decision. You decided to love, and love became something you actively did by showing it.

Aging Together and History Sharing

Men and women in healthy, mature relationships don’t live in the past, but it’s fun to visit. There’s a lifetime of shared memories. Every wrinkle and every gray hair was earned in a history of work, play, and often of raising a family. You can recall the weekend vacation you took together when you were so young you barely recognized yourself in the pictures.

There might be the memory of eating dinner at the picnic table in the backyard, a fine evening outdoors for you but a delight and thrill for your young children. You recall all the places you lived and all the cars you owned. You have a history of victory celebrations and of consoling one another in disappointments. There may have been a health or financial crisis or relationship problem where you can look back and be amazed that you pulled through it together.

You don’t have to recollect everything by yourself. If one of you doesn’t remember, the other might. Memories are more meaningful when there’s someone who remembers along with you. You and your mate have created and shared a common history.

I remember standing in front of family and friends with stylized clothes and haircuts that were fashionable at the time. You promised each other you would do this thing. You can now joke about the people – surely there were some – who didn’t think you’d last three years. Best of all, you can congratulate yourself on making the right choice and coming this far.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Planning for Tomorrow, Together

In contrast to what some might think, many elderly folks do just fine with change. After all, they’ve dealt with plenty of changes in themselves and their lives and survived. As long as they have their health, they can continue to explore and share together.

They have their collected wisdom to pass down to the younger generation, not the least of which is the example they set on how you live and love over the long haul.

Seniors don’t have to be naive about what’s ahead. Life plans can be made for what they can do while they’re active and at the same time consider how they’ll manage as their health declines. They’ve always depended on each other, and that interdependence will be critical as they accompany one another through their final years.

Aging couples make the most of what they still have every step of the way. In the best of mature relationships, they accept the changes in themselves and in each other. They are patient, understanding, and loving when they can no longer function as they once did.

The best stories are ones that are told all the way from beginning to end. The end is not something to be hidden or thrown away; it’s an essential part of the whole.

One of the most poignant descriptions of growing older together comes in the Robert Burns short poem, “John Anderson My Jo.” The old woman talks to the old man, who’s her joy (or her “jo”). She describes how they climbed the hill of life together as shiny youths and had some memorable times. Then she concludes (with modern English words substituted for the obscure Scottish ones):

Now we must totter down, John,

And hand in hand we’ll go

And sleep together at the foot

John Anderson, my jo.

Beautiful and fortunate is the couple who lives the whole story and carries it to the grave and beyond.