Relationship Building: Simple Strategies for a Stronger Connection

Relationships play an essential role in our lives, shaping the way we connect and interact with others. They come in many forms – romantic, platonic, familial, and professional – each carrying its own unique set of challenges and joys. Navigating these complex dynamics and understanding their intricacies can help you cultivate stronger, healthier bonds with … Read more

Finding Your Tribe as a Senior

  Embarking to find your tribe after 60 can be a renewing and uplifting chapter in life. It’s a time when you might no longer have the built-in social circles from work or parenting. This can leave you with open space to fill with friendships that resonate deeply with your current interests and values. By … Read more

Avoiding Loneliness as a Senior: Practical Tips for Staying Connected

As you journey through the golden years, you might notice that the hustle and bustle of earlier days gives way to quieter times. While peace and relaxation are welcome, staying socially connected is essential to your well-being. Unfortunately, many seniors experience loneliness, but it’s not an inevitable part of aging. You can take proactive steps … Read more

The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye One month ago, my beautiful Afghanistan rescue dog was diagnosed with lung cancer. She had been my constant companion for over 11 years and we went everywhere together. It took me a day to weigh the pros and cons of ending her life to spare her any pain or discomfort but the … Read more

Why Is Skinny Attractive?

I take daily walks with my dog in the small lakeside community where I currently live. Many people here are walkers. Some, walk alone, some walk with friends, and then there are couples. I notice here, where the demographic is predominantly senior, that women who walk with their male partners are usually slim. Rarely, if … Read more

The Growing Phenomenon of Family Estrangement

Family Rejection can take many forms. A mother may reject a daughter. A father may reject a son. The daughter and son may reject their parents. Siblings may reject one another. Whatever the players involved, family estrangement is a growing phenomenon coupled with pain, loneliness, a feeling of betrayal, and stigma. No one affected by … Read more